Sustainability Journal
What We're Up To This December
By Jessica Benjestorf
December is filled with so many fun events. Join us as we celebrate teh season with some incredible Holiday Markets, store events and fun kid's crafts. -
Fun things to do with fall leaves
By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf
Let’s make sustainable crafts with some readily-available nature bits - like fall leaves! They’re so beautiful, and part of what makes them so - outside of the fact that each one is unique like a snowflake and the colors are...
Pure Creative Flow: Q+A with Elyse Rainbolt
By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf
Feminine groove. Exquisite tastes. Rainbow explosions. Pure creative flow. All of these things pour from the screen while FaceTiming with Elyse Rainbolt - even when the connection from her remote Pennsylvania flower farm is too dodgy for you to see...
A Hierarchy of Recyclables
By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf
What is and isn’t recyclable isn’t as straight-forward as it feels like it should be. Like how many times I have to tell my husband that soft plastic is not recyclable, or how many times my best friend tells me...
Fall Events in Napa
By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf
Napa is such a delightful place to live for approximately 7,498 reasons, and one of them is that there are always fun, seasonal activities put on by the community for the community. And there are so many local events to...
Fall Movies that Inspire
By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf
I’m inspired by fall and I’m inspired by films - so I put together some inspiring fall films to share. Each of these works may not relate to fall in a direct way, but they’re certainly all connected to its...