Sustainability Journal

  • Fun things to do with fall leaves

    Fun things to do with fall leaves

    By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf

    Let’s make sustainable crafts with some readily-available nature bits - like fall leaves! They’re so beautiful, and part of what makes them so - outside of the fact that each one is unique like a snowflake and the colors are...

  • A Hierarchy of Recyclables

    A Hierarchy of Recyclables

    By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf

    What is and isn’t recyclable isn’t as straight-forward as it feels like it should be. Like how many times I have to tell my husband that soft plastic is not recyclable, or how many times my best friend tells me...

  • Home waste audit. Part 1.

    Home waste audit. Part 1.

    By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf

    How to do it.
  • Zero Waste Home: a book review

    Zero Waste Home: a book review

    By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf

    Bea Johnson is one of modern day’s OG zero wasters. I was gifted her book Zero Waste Home years ago by one of my closest friends and have come to rely on it for quick and easy reference. The book...

  • Building Sustainability & Creativity with Eco-Bricks

    Building Sustainability & Creativity with Eco-Bricks

    By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf

    If there’s one specific type of technology we’re desperately in need of, it’s plastic transition tech. Plastic is no longer just a product material - it’s an accidental landform; it’s micro and moving through our veins, causing hormonal changes in...

  • What is Zero Waste, Exactly?

    What is Zero Waste, Exactly?

    By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf

    What exactly is Zero Waste? Is it a literal term? Is it a goal? Are there people who are able to live without creating any waste at all? If there are, how in this plastic world, do they do it?...