· By Brooke Hamilton-Benjestorf
Building Sustainability & Creativity with Eco-Bricks
If there’s one specific type of technology we’re desperately in need of, it’s plastic transition tech. Plastic is no longer just a product material - it’s an accidental landform; it’s micro and moving through our veins, causing hormonal changes in our makeup; it’s a forever monster of our own making. Grappling with the breadth of our plastic problem is overwhelming, to say the least. So thank god for the creatives out there with a heart for sustainability. When we can make a fun, creative activity out of one of our heaviest human problems, we’re able to let our unique brand of consciousness shine. Instead of just create more anxiety.
The eco-brick is a perfect example of this optimistic ingenuity. In this blog, we’ll explore what they are, how to make them, and what we can build with them. So, as Mr. Rogers used to say, “Come along, come along, to the Castle Hug-n-Song!” Let’s learn about eco-bricks.
An eco-brick is a plastic bottle packed to the max with used, clean, dry plastic. We use them to build things like garden structures and furniture. They are a super-durable building material because - being all plastic - they will NEVER break down. See how the creative geniuses flipped this serious con into a glorious pro? And while they sequester plastic away from delicate marine ecosystems and the bloodstreams of our babies, they create fun and colorful building blocks for our collective future.
First, segregate your plastic waste - packaging, styrofoam, the tricky-to-recyclable soft plastics, pesky fast food straws, all of it - from your other waste. Second, clean and dry it. Dirty, wet plastic can build nasty little colonies inside of your brick, as well as methane, which could bust a cap (literally) down the road. Third, and not so obviously, choose your bottle type. You’ll need identical bottles (or near-identical, depending on your project) to build something attractive and functional out of your eco-bricks. Bottle consistency is key to a functional garden structure or charming piece of furniture. A couple things to think about when choosing your bottle type are how much plastic waste it will hold and the availability of that particular bottle. Fourth, use a wooden stick to pack your plastics in. You’ll be amazed at how much you can squeeze in! Fifth, choose a solid-colored soft plastic to start out your brick. The bottom of the brick (or bottle) is what will show in the building design, so you want it to be pretty and workable. There are a few more steps such as logging and inscribing, but these only become pertinent with a serious building project, like a playground or building. And if you’re building something that serious, you’re probably researching beyond our exploratory blog post.
Garden structures, playgrounds, furniture, buildings…anything your imagination desires! But there are also specific, tried and true eco-brick building systems and modules that can be helpful to the layman. You can dive into those here, where I found much of the information in this post.
At Juniper Station, we value sustainability and beauty. At our best, we can spur both in the same actions. As always, it boils down to intentional, thoughtful living. Thank you for taking a moment to consider a sustainable way of life. We appreciate your being here. The journey is always more beautiful with friends.
Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash